shebekada wararka ee ceegaag waxay idiinku baaqaysaa wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee dalka iyo debedaba 

 Call for Urgent Actions on Deteriorating Press Freedom Situation and Journalists' Safety, Government's Program Hailed

(Somalia, January 11, 2008 Ceegaag Online)

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is calling on Somalia's Transitional Federal Government to take urgent actions on rapidly deteriorating state of press freedom and journalists' safety following the Somali Parliament's endorsement of new cabinet and its working program.


Throughout 2007, nine media persons were killed as a result of hostile action with the exception of one that died by accident; 4 media persons were wounded; 53 media persons were arrested; five media houses were closed down whilst more than 55 journalists fled from the country. Scores of journalists and media workers were intimidated and robbed. Apart from these, many journalists were verbally abused by political groups. Violations of press freedom in 2007 increased 85% compared to the year 2006.


So far this year, two journalists were injured, while two other media professionals are detained incommunicado. All these cases happened in Mogadishu and Puntland.
"This terrible record has given Somalia the unwelcome titles of most dangerous country in Africa for journalists and the second most perilous place to a journalist in the world, after Iraq" said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General.


Although, safety of media professionals depends on the general situation of the country, their journalistic work singles them out and raise the dangers they are exposed to. Journalists are with ordinary people, have no special defence and are frontline targets.


"We are deeply concerned by the shockingly high number of journalists victimized and lack of political determination to end these gross violations and abuses against media community, which are mostly politically motivated attacks" Omar Faruk declared.


"It is time for the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to show confidence to journalists and Somali people as whole by protecting its citizens that included journalists, punishing criminals, and valuing press freedom and democracy" Omar added. "Crimes committed against journalists must not be ignored and we demand an end to the culture of impunity which has flourished in many years as these violations have gone on for too long, and far too many lives have been wasted".


The National Union of Somali Journalists welcome the New Cabinet and the working Program of the government of Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein. "We hail the government's program of prioritizing the respect and defense of the fundamental rights of Somali people and the establishment of a secure and peaceful environment centered on the respect of law" Omar Faruk said.


We demand that TFG takes trustable actions to improve press freedom situation and journalists' safety" Omar declared. "We shall continue our fight for a safe, free and independent media".
NUSOJ, the only journalists' trade union, has more than 240 member journalists in all regions of Somalia and is affiliated to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), International Freedom of Expression exchange (IFEX) and the Eastern Africa Journalists Association (EAJA).


National Union Journalist
Press Release