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Global Peace Aid-Somalia: Conflict Resolution Training Workshop

(Boston,  August 24,  2010 Ceegaag Online)

Global Peace Aid-Somalia a Boston based non-profit organization which promotes peace and conducted a soft skills Conflict Resolution Workshop for the Somali youth in Boston said; they were very impressed with how the community embrased and supports dialogue. Somalia's conflict can only be solved by Somalis and through grassroots dialogue said; Saeed Aden of Global Peace Aid Inc.
during the workshop community leaders and elders spoke about Somali Traditional Mediation( Xeer). Also Imam Abdullah of the Islamic Cultural Center of Boston where the event took place, spoke about Islam and Peace. The Imam encouraged the Somali youth and the other participants that Islam promotes peace and dialogue and that we should all promote peace.
Global Peace Aid's Abdirisaq Dheere told Ceegaag News that Global Peace Aid has a Community Mediation Center where the community members can go and get free mediation services from qualified,neutral and volunteer mediators.He said their mediation approach combines Western mediation and Somali traditional mediation (Xeer). The center plans to hold Conflict Resolution Training Workshop for the Somali Community in Portland, Maine and other states in North America.
You can contact Global Peace Aid at:
Global Peace Aid Inc.
1127 Harrison Ave Suite 204
Boston, MA 02120